A campaign to fight against prejudice and claim diversity as a core value of global citizenship.
WHAT IS #WithoutPrejudiceRCM?
The #WithoutPrejudiceRCM campaign is part of the Red Conecta Migración project, promoted by the Esplai Foundation, which aims to fight prejudice and claim diversity through reflection, awareness-raising and the creation of training resources for citizens. We consider information and communication technologies (ICT) as allies of social transformation and as essential to improve critical thinking skills and fight against racism, discrimination, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance.
In this space, we denounce the misinformation and hoaxes that are spread online and generate prejudice and discrimination between certain groups or people. We trigger awareness and reflection in citizens regarding the maelstrom of information that goes around our connected world and that resonates negatively in society. We want our society to be equipped with the tools to denounce misinformation and thus develop a critical vision of its own. For this reason we provide you with training content, so that you can embark on this fight for diversity.
Raising awareness
Through the exhibition of #WithoutPrejudiceRCM, where we have chosen to show the emotions generated by prejudice and the values that support a committed citizenship. This travelling exhibition has already visited many organisations, on loan, and has been built in an original format in cardboard boxes so that it can be adapted to any space. It is the result of two social photography workshops: Prodiversa – Progreso y Diversidad and the Asociación Marroquí para la Integración de los inmigrantes in Málaga, where participants reflected on violence and prejudice and then took pictures of each other, thus expressing their emotions. It is accompanied by an educational proposal to become aware of how people develop and perceive prejudices and stereotypes, so that we can reflect, move on to action, and transformation (Prodiversa-Progress and Diversity and Esplay Fondation (2019) Educational Proposal #WithoutPrejudiceRCM). Please contact us if you are interested in booking the travelling exhibition!
Educational resources
We equip citizens and organisations with training resources to provide tools and contribute to the empowerment of all people in the fight against racism, xenophobia and any other type of intolerance.
We hold an annual cycle of reflection on “Migrations and processes of inclusion in the current context”. Each year it focuses on a specific topic, with experts from different fields with different perspectives, where we share good practices from other social entities and/or public administration.

When we discovered that information was a business, the truth ceased to matter.
Ryszard Kapuściński
We can fight prejudice with the most powerful tool: knowledge. With our training workshop “Don’t Be Fooled!” we give you the keys and tools to debunk hoaxes and to be able to verify and confirm the information that spreads on the Internet and social networks.
#WithoutPrejudiceRCM campaign is part of Red Connecta Migración program, through which we fight to reduce inequalities within migrant and alternative racial communities. We undertake various actions such as workshops, exhibitions and training courses to help make visible the prejudices that we face every day in the information society.
The workshop “Don’t Be Fooled!”
The free online workshop “Don’t Be Fooled!” includes content and training resources to learn how to truly recognise a hoax by corroborating information distributed on the Internet.
These training resources are part of DigComp 2.1, The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, a tool designed by the European Commission to improve citizens’ digital knowledge, skills and attitudes.
In collaboration with the journalistic platform Maldita, we have created 5 training videos, 5 infographics and a toolkit to enable you to acquire digital skills and encourage your autonomy and critical thinking about what is spread on the Internet.
We teach you how to check sources, how to identify if the information is reliable and even if the photos are real or have been edited!

In our society, we place more importance on the immediacy than on the veracity of information.
Help us not to be fooled and to create together a critical and egalitarian society by taking the test and downloading the content.
The town of Divercity has been cursed: the curse of the media. Its inhabitants have been transformed into media devices and monsters wreak havoc by spreading prejudice and discrimination. Help reporter Vera with her special camera to fight prejudice and bring peace back to Divercity.

Social photographs in cardboard boxes taken by our participants, an exhibition adaptable to any space.
It helps raise awareness about prejudice and discrimination in order develop a society committed to equality and respect.
This exhibition is the result of workshops organised by Red Connecta Migración where participants used their own view to express prejudice and violence through a device, photographing each other and created a video.
This artistic journey is accompanied by an educational proposal to become aware, reflect and raise awareness on how people develop and perceive prejudices and stereotypes.

Discover the faces of the photographic project

Have you ever wondered what you can do?
If you’ve come this far, it’s because you may care about educating #withoutprejudice and want to create a community of diversity and respect, which is the goal of our project.
If you are a teacher, set up our workshop in your class with your students or with the people you desire. Take the test and work on our content through debate, awareness and reflection.
Our training resources will teach you how to identify the veracity of the information and to truly distinguish a fact from a fake.
Practice it with the tools we have developed and contribute to creating a #withoutprejudice and critical-thinking world.
If you have any doubts, please consult our FAQS section where you will also find a contact form.
Why do we ask for your personal data?
We are part of a project requiring a grant to carry out actions to help raise awareness and fight against prejudice and discrimination. To do this, we must achieve certain impact objectives, which is why we ask for your data, so that you can be part of the representative sample.
What material does #WithoutPrejudiceRCM provide?
#WithoutPrejudiceRCM provides the training resources “Don’t Be Fooled!”. They consist of 5 training videos, 5 infographics and a toolbox with information, links to websites or tips that will teach you to corroborate any information circulating on the Internet or social networks. For example, they’ll teach you how to tell if an image has been edited or provide you with links or tips to identify reliable and trustworthy information.
How to download the “Don't Be Fooled!” training resources?
The training resources can be downloaded once you have registered and completed the test. Please register if you haven’t done so already and take the test! You will always have access to the training content once you have completed the test by logging in with your account.
How long does the test take?
Ten minutes maximum, depending on your reading skills and your confidence in answering the questions.
How long does it take to complete the training resources?
Taking into account that each training video lasts about 6 minutes, it would take 1 hour to complete the workshop. Half an hour to watch the how-to videos and another half hour to work on the infographics and practice the fact checking tools.
How can I implement it in my classroom?
You can propose to work on diversity and inclusion at any time and place. During tutoring sessions, Ethics, Technology, Computer Science, or even English classes, working on translation and oral expression. It is always a good time to build a respectful and #withoutprejudice society.
How can we truly recognize a hoax?
The #WithoutPrejudiceRCM training material has been developed by the professionals of Maldita hemeroteca, an established journalistic medium for fact-checking and debunking hoaxes. Maldita hemeroteca has been a signatory of the Code of Principles of the International Fact-checking Network since 2018 and renews it every year. This quality seal guarantees the neutrality and impartiality of its brand.
What are digital skills and why should we promote them?
DigComp 2.1 is a European reference framework that identifies the ICT tools and attitudes to improve citizens’ digital competence. It has been developed to serve both as a diagnostic of people’s skills and as a roadmap for the future of e-inclusion. There are self-diagnostic skills tests, such as the Ikanos test.
What specific digital skills will be developed by the “Don't Be Fooled!” contents?
We will work on the development of the digital skills that are framed in DigComp 2.1, the European reference framework on digital skills for citizens. The DigComp 2.1 framework groups all digital skills for citizens in 5 main areas with different sub-areas representing levels of competence and knowledge.
The training resources “Don’t Be Fooled!” focus on the development of the following competence areas:
- Competence 1.1. Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content: To articulate information needs, to search for data, information and content in digital environments, to access them and to navigate between them. Identify and update personal search strategies.
- Competence 1.2. Evaluating data, information and digital content: To analyse, compare and critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources of data, information and digital content.
- Competence 2.2. Sharing through digital technologies: To share data, information and digital content with others through appropriate digital technologies. To act as an intermediary, to know about referencing and attribution practices.
- Competence 2.5. Netiquette: To be aware of behavioural norms and know-how while using digital technologies and interacting in digital environments. To adapt communication strategies to the specific audience and to be aware of cultural and generational diversity in digital environments.
- Competence 5.2. Identify needs and technological responses: To assess needs and to identify, evaluate, select and use digital tools and possible technological responses and to solve them. To adjust and customise digital environments to personal needs (e.g. accessibility).
- Competence 5.4. Identify digital competence gaps: To understand where one’s own digital competence needs to be improved or updated. To be able to support others with their digital competence development. To seek opportunities for self-development and to keep up-to-date with the digital evolution.
If you need further information, have any questions or want to book our travelling exhibition, please feel free to complete this form with your request. Thank you for contacting us, we will get back to you as soon as possible.